Monday, March 2, 2009

It all starts while watching Family Guy....

...some of you may know the episode where Brian gets the radio show which is eventually called "Dingo and the Baby" after Stewie gets to be co-host. It all got my thinking about Rush Limbaugh, well not just Rush, but most of these so-called pundits (mostly Rush though). People that try to persuade public opinion either to the right with Bill O'Riley or the left with Keith Olberman (maybe the middle "allegedly" according to Lou Dobbs) with an hour or two of information-laced personal opinion. I mean most of these people are very well educated in their fields which have over the years helped formulate these views.

But doesn't it seem that maybe, just maybe, it's getting to be more of an infomercial for his/her version of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The big initial advertisement of the problem (the government/country is going to hell in a hand basket), then there is the explanation of the solution (change and/or criticize leaders in a seven minute block). Finally there is the "BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!" moment which is that top story which makes you stick around through all those smaller segments. It's like a fancy Shamwow segment.

I guess it is the craziness which makes are Democracy so great. Just the good fortune of living in a country that allows for such contrast of opinions and yet we are able to listen and choose between the them without the threat of imprisonment or worse.

God Bless America!!!!

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