Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So I hear that Jack Cafferty of CNN...

has a crush on Michelle Obama. Well Jack join the club!!! There are no dues and we will meet on the internet on a predetermined date. I voted for Obama in November on the belief that he will and is currently trying to bring about a change that is so surely needed after the hell we just went through. A bad war fought over false pretenses and a form of constitutional dictatorship that seems to have violated millions of peoples rights with no regard to the bill of rights. Backroom deals along with backstabbing acts that causes some to try and invoke executive privilege in the hopes of slithering out of town untouched. We the people needed something better so we can hold these truths to be self-evident. What if Congress did not pass the 22ND amendment in 1947 and the states ratify it in 1951? Think of the possibilities. Just the shear thought of Bush even considering running for a third term; what would his platform be? How would he be received at the convention? But enough with dreaming...

January 20th 2009 is one of the greatest days in American history. Hell, over the past fifty years, it may be one of the greatest days in world history. What came from that day is an almost complete 180 shift from what we had been going through for the better part of a decade. To see that type of man take the oath of office after running that type of campaign is a sight that I will surely remember for the rest of my life. We as a people needed this. It was the fresh air that comes into a stagnant room an a spring day once you open the window. Every generation has a moment in time either good or bad (mostly bad) that is defining to them decades from now. Pearl Harbor, Bombing of Japan, Kennedy Assassination, MLK Assassination, Watergate, Challenger, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 are all of those generational stamps that when you ask someone that lived during that time they remember exactly when, where, and what. I was with my dad watching it on TV while my sister was freezing on the Mall and my mom was at work.

President Obama carries with him the hopes and dreams of millions of people that saw from where we have came and were afraid of where we were going. It is a new day in America. But this man shows what America is all about. The land where truly it is possible for someone with good intentions, clear path, focus, and determination can become whatever they want to be. Now if he succeeds or fails only time will tell. But at least to be given the opportunity says more about this country than anything else.

Remember "Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness"

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