Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm lifting weights right...

wait a minute!!! You are reading thinking that a person who has a blog doesn't lift??!! Bwah haha you of narrow mind! Oh yeah I lift. But no weird cousin going out of the country to get me roids and such. My frame is o' naturale ladies and gentlemen.

But to the subject for tonight. Our economy is so out of control I swear somebody needs to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. It is to the point where is it me or are fewer and fewer people watching the Dow Jones Industrial Average like it use to during the "boom" prior to the most recent crash. It use to be that as the dow fell the inverse would happen for americans fears. But like most other finite quantities in life a ceiling was found. Now it seems like americans just don't care about wall street. What is happening on main street is a thousand times more important.

Take me for example. This time last year I was just starting to dip my size 13 toes into the stock market in an way just to save a little more money than to make more money. I opened an account with TDAmeritrade, placed in a modest amount (not the ENTIRE fortune, just a couple of bucks) and began to play the game. At first I was ok. Small gains and losses, hell, one stock I picked went up 50% in a three months span. Nothing spectaular but the best thing was that I was learning along the way and CNBC became one of the great four (ESPN, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN). Then all hell broke loose. The big honking financial institutions began to crumble and be eaten by the even bigger and more honkiner financial institutions. This mainly due to (but not exclusive) bad mortgages, CDO's, and CDS's (I know those abbreviations thanks to CNBC). Add onto that the loose and I mean brothel loose regulation that started way back during the Clinton administration but was encouraged during W's stint on Pennslyvania Avenue. Sprinkle on a little corruption and horrific management and you now get the President saying that it may take $3 trillion+ dollars to get it back on the right track, hopefully. Once that crap slapped the fan like an angry pimp I got out the water and until the lifeguard tells me that the clorine level is normal and its safe to swim I'll just stay on the astroturf.

The more and more people I come across everyday I see the same conclusion; people just want to be able to keep the money they have and not necessarily make more, just keep making. How this bank or that brokerage firm does doesn't mean a damn thing to the average american. At least the ones that I speak with at work. If the big three car companies were to collapse, so what, as long as my job is ok I could care less. With the threat of failures and collapses of big companies seem not to affect the average Joe/Jane I see. As a note, I do work in an area of the country where to be middle class would be great but most are not. If a store closes then they will shop at another, if a dealership closes then they will buy from somebody else. It is not a case of who is leaving but who is still here. Simple case of another one bits the dust.

Unfortunately, it took years and years of greed and deception that got us into this deep collapsing hole but we have gotten out of just as deep of ditches. But as a country we must learn from our mistakes and hope that at least for a time somewhere in the future we will look and see how deep the hole is before falling in.

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