Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So I was thinking....

what you may think that I was not thinking??!! Really, I mean for the stuff I go through and see on a daily basis a few thoughts tend to run through my head. I mainly get my musings from everyday life. Especially if told through the four basic forums: ESPN, MSNBC, CNBC, and CNN. I just got on twitter (which is a very good social tool) and got the idea to start a blog that just allows me to upchuck (vomit to those who don't know) my mental abnormalities onto the laptop screen. Here will be my format:

Probably 2-3 times a week I will give you my take on a few topics that may or may not lie on the frontpage or featured in the A-block. Now this take is definitely not of the usual take. This is mainly due to may lifetime of sit-coms and a weird obsession with the History Channel. A subtle melting pot of experience and insanity with a dash of WTF!!!

So sit back or lay back and relax depending on your current position in life and be entertained. Hope you enjoy!!

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